NxGen Rail

Brand Creation/Development and Business Launch Materials Creation

This startup is one of the first all-inclusive rail inspection services providers in the railroad industry. As the brand strategist, developed a strategy to showcase modernity and user-friendly technology. Reinforced NxGen's unique position as a cutting-edge service to a non-technical audience by creating materials that made complex inspection techniques understandable and non-threatening.

Designed the logo, corporate identity, and sales materials to be unique within the rail industry, cutting through a marketplace of sameness. Also designed multiple trade show booths for global trade shows, maintaining brand standards while being produced by international vendors. Provided Creative Direction for the website design, reinforcing the brand strategy of being user-friendly and visually engaging.

The brand development was so successful that when NxGen launched, customers assumed the company had been around for years.

Role: Brand Strategist, Creative Director and Designer


Valtech Pride

